Project selected for META! grant funding | Graphic design and illustration | Research | 
Project management | Sales​​​​​​​
I created this book under my personal brand, PushGetUp. I wanted to inform in a visually attractive way about different types of diversity and to encourage social change, which is difficult to achieve but very important.
The first step was to create the concept of the book, the idea. It was clear to me that I wanted to encompass various diversity topics, in a very simple way and in the form of a guide with which you could learn the basic aspects of each topic. I submitted the project to the META! funding (of the Guipúzcoa Province Council together with the crowdfunding platform Goteo), and it was selected for the grant. During the crowdfunding campaign I raised the funds needed for the project and then I got down to work. I did some research so that I could write a draft with the main aspects of each topic, and then I contacted specialists in each of the diversity topics that I had selected for the book. After consulting on each topic, I continued with the layout design and illustrations of the book, to after get it printed and finally publish it.
The book was published in April 2022 and can currently be purchased in various bookstores in the region of The Basque Country (Spain), as well as on the PushGetUp website.
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